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Nothing's New Anymore Is It?

While that’s true and imitation is flattery, we at Carp Tart do take exception to some of the outlandish copying of our products. We don’t do it for profit, never have. Three mates from the Kentish heartland of Carp Fishing making bits and bobs, some you need, some may catch the extra fish, some you just want, that’s life though isn’t it?

So what do we mean by rip off? Do we mean the first ever distance sticks produced? not really, we know that people used to use bank sticks, we didn’t invent the idea we developed it. We stood on a stand at Brentwood Show many years ago, trying to convince punters to part with their cash for specialist tackle, they did, so much so, that every company has followed suit. Flattery.

Our traffic light bobbins and snag ears… copied within days. Not flattering, just trying to make a quick buck, crack on, you know who you are.

Our favourite so far, the Boilie Impress, when a company brings out an EXACT copy then launches it like the Olympics, writes an article about how it was developed shame on you. We don’t tell the world you’re selling calf milk feeding pellets for five times the price, so have a bit of decency please.

There are so many things, we could go on all day, but ultimately if our products are bettered, optimised then we’re OK with that, if however we spend £100s on the prototyping and field testing (imagine if others actually tested) and get scammed, of course we’re disappointed. We will never be cheap, we buy in 10s and 50s. We use British craftsmen, not send to some far eastern place. Bespoke tackle is how it started.

Our last story of the rip-off state of fishing is the only one we will name. The Tackle Box, the original Kent ‘Toy Shop’ these guys have bred more innovation than the top 10 manufactures put together. A local hub where they actively promote the cottage industry, today as they did back then. We are immensely proud and honoured they are the only retailer you can buy our products through. When they were approached with one of our compressors, a China copy that they could buy for less than a quarter of trade price (so exact we couldn’t tell the difference) they declined, hopefully not too politely. Whoever sent that off for copying you’re a disgrace and thanks to Kevin and Gary it was at least one battle won.

The internet is fine, but please support independent shops and not just use them as showroom. There is no better place to be, and the franchising of shops, the internet assault will slowly kill something them. I would need to drive 30 mins in Kent to get a pint of maggots (to The Box), there used to be a choice of 5.

Tight lines, celebrate being a Tart and if you don’t catch, at least keep your bobbins level.

Imitations: About Us
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